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Comparing Berocca Boost to Berocca Performance

This comparison is between Berocca Boost vitamin tablets and Berocca Berocca Performance. Any ingredient that can be quantified from the package information has been included in the comparison table including sodium and surcalose. You can check prices on Amazon for Berocca Boost and Berocca Performance

The table below first shows the Vitamin name, vitamin abbreviation or code. The ingredients of Berocca Boost is shown in the 3rd column and the ingredients of Berocca Performance is shown in the 4th column. If you are on a mobile please scroll the table to the right to see all columns.

Both the Boost vitamins and Performance Berocca vitamins are effervescent tablets that you drop into a cup of water and drink once the tablet has dissolved.

What are the benefits of Boost and Performance Berocca Vitamins?

Claimed benefits of Boost and Performance Berocca are supporting energy production, mental sharpness, muscle performance and reduce free radicals in the body.

Does Boost have more B vitamins than Berocca Performance?

Berocca Boost tablets have the same amount of B vitamins as the Performance tablets. Boost has an additional 105mg of magnesium and 120mg of Guarana.

What vitamins does Boost include that Berocca Performance does not?

Berocca Boost includes 105mg of Magnesium and 120mg of Guarana containing 75mg of caffeine or about the same caffeine as a reasonably strong cup of coffee.

Table of Ingredients or Berocca Boost and Berocca Performance

Vitamin nameVitaminBerocca BoostBerocca PerformanceDifferenceUnitsSource
Check prices at Amazon AustraliaDelivered to your door by Amazon AustDelivered to your door by Amazon Aust
Ascorbic AcidC605000mgAscorbic Acid
CalciumCa1001000mgCalcium Carbonate
Folic Acid04000μg
Guarana 1200120mg
MagnesiumMg1000105mgMagnesium Oxide and Magnesium Carbonate Hydrate
Pantothenic acidB56232mgCalcium Panthothenate
PyridoxineB62100mgPyridoxine Hydrochloride
RiboflavinB21.6155mgRiboflavin Sodium Phosphate
ThiamineB11.4155mgThiamine Hydrochloride
ZincZn9.5100mgZinc Citrate Trihydrate (Berocca Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate)
Other additivesAspartame (phenylalanine) Contains SulfitesAspartame (phenylalanine) Contains Sulfites
Alergen statementNo added, gluten, dairy, lactose, soy or yeastNo added, gluten, dairy, lactose, soy or yeast

Check prices on Berocca Boost and Berocca Performance